Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Davidson Fiberglass Stepladder Type IA Accident

MASE Product Failure Injury Report

Product involved: Louisville Type IA 12-foot Fiberglass Stepladder, Model No. FS1012

What happened: Ladder was set up leaning against a wall, on a wooden box.  Left rear leg was unsupported and right rear leg was supported, resulting in the ladder walking off of the box, causing the ladder user to fall, and impact the ladder.

Injuries: Unknown

Recommendations: Locking clip to keep ladder legs together when used in this configuration

OSHA/Standard violations?:No

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Davidson Aluminum Stepladder Injury

MASE Product Failure Injury Report

Product involved: Davidson G 527-06 Aluminum Stepladder

What happened:  Woman was applying tape to a wall she was painting.  She had ascended to the third step of the stepladder.  While she applied tape, the ladder became racked, and then failed as the ladder tipped over.

Recommendations: Increase stability of ladder by widening base of ladder.  The ladder could have been made stronger by increasing the thickness of the materials and by more appropriate bracing. Ladder cannot withstand dynamic forces.

OSHA/Standard violations?: No violations, although material was found to not meet minimum specifications.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Concrete Truck Driver Injury Operator Compartment

MASE Product Failure Injury Report

Product involved: 1997 Advance Mixer concrete truck

What happened:  Driver violently struck his head on the low ceiling of the cab.  These impacts caused his head and neck to bend to the side, resulting in injuries

Recommendations: Use off-road standards for the hybrid vehicle that is both a highway and off-road vehicle. 

OSHA/Standard violations? Advance Mixer cab does not meet the "Operator Space Envelope Dimensions For Off-Road Machines", SAE J154, June 92.  There is not enough room for the driver as is evident by this standard.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Interkal Bleacher Fall Injury

MASE Product Failure Injury Report

Product involved: Interkal bleachers

What happened: Female stepped onto bleacher seat, seat allegedly popped forward, she fell, seat allegedly reseated itself

Injuries: Lower back and shin injury

Findings: Determined to be a slip and fall.  No failure of fasteners or seat module.  Product appears to meet appropriate design criteria.

OSHA/Standard violations?: No

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Bauer Fiberglass Stepladder Injury

MASE Product Failure Injury Report

Product involved: Six-foot Bauer Fiberglass stepladder

What happened: Ladder user was standing on fourth rung of ladder.  Stepladder failed suddenly to right when a ladder rail split lengthwise down the rail, causing him to fall to the right and land on the ground.

Injuries: Shoulder injury requiring surgery

Recommendations:  Reinforcement, use a material less susceptible to aging effects

OSHA/Standard violations?: No

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